Card Tricks

Nicolas Robeste — Le Tour Impossible

Le tour impossible - Nicolas ROBESTE Arteco - boutique de magie et ...

Ce tour fera le bonheur de tous les cartomanes débutants. Vous n’avez rien à faire tout le paquet travaille pour vous. Très simple à réaliser et surtout, quand on est débutant on fait toujours les tours aux mêmes spectateurs (famille, amis…) et beaucoup de tours ne peuvent pas être présentés plusieurs fois. Ici aucune inquiétude, le résultat sera toujours différent. Bref si vous êtes débutant foncez…

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Shrink, Fall, Squeeze presented by Dan Harlan

Tommy Wonder was an incredible performer, well-known for his smooth sleight-of-hand, masterful misdirection, and devious devices. And now, a modern master of magical creativity shares his favorite Tommy Wonder creations with you as Dan Harlan presents “The Best of the Books of Wonder.” Lesson five is Shrink, Fall, Squeeze. This highly visual card routine is the fifth of ten lessons that Dan Harlan brings off the page and into your hands.

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Myth by Mark Gray

A thought of card, a random number and an impossible double revelation!

Mark Gray has finally released the effect that he’s been slaying both magicians and lay people with for the past few years.

Myth unique plot combined with an ultra-clean handling makes for an incredible effect that hits them right between the eyes! Imagine the following…

Two decks of cards are introduced, One deck is opened and spread showing that the cards are in a random shuffled order, the other deck is left untouched for the time being.

Your spectator is asked to name a card as they cut the open deck, thus changing the position of every card in that deck.

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Killer Elite Pro by Andy Nyman UK

Andy Nyman’s Killer Elite was not only one of the most successful tricks of its time. It was also voted “Trick of the Year” but unfortunately it ceased production in early 2005. However it is now back and has been totally redesigned for the working performer. A combination of Andy Nyman’s thinking and Alakazam Magic’s desire for top quality professional products, we are now proud to bring you “Killer Elite Pro.”

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Cheerleader by Woody Aragon

Have a spectator find their own card from a shuffled deck without you ever knowing it’s identity. This nearly self-working miracle will put jaws on the floor. This is Woody Aragon’s Cheerleader.

The deck is divided amongst members of the audience who shuffle them. One spectator remembers one of the cards and loses it in the deck. Another spectator begins dealing cards while the spectator with the selection mentally cheers out the letters in name of the card. When the dealing has stopped, not only has the name of the card been spelled, but the card that was stopped at is exactly the selected card.

Woody Aragon has gone above and beyond in the teaching of this trick to explain the extremely clever thinking that makes this practically self-working. Cheerleader is a perfect effect for someone just getting into card magic, and the pros will appreciate the exceptionally clever method that makes it possible. This is Woody Aragon’s Cheerleader.

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