Card Tricks

Cello by Mickael Chatelain

Magic Center Harri Online - Cello (Blue Gimmick) by Mickael Chatelain -  trick

Once again Mickael Chatelain is offering a curious new experiment!

Imagine the passing of matter through matter. A passage so clean that it could be done only by magic!

In less time than it takes to write this, you will be able to transform a your deck of cards, your pack of chewing gum, or your pack of cigarettes into a formidable magical prop!

Borrow a single coin from a spectator.

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Carpenter’s Sleights by Jack Carpenter

Carpenter's Sleights - Jack Carpenter - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Seattle’s underground card mechanic, Jack Carpenter, sits ‘down at the table to teach three of his favorite original sleights. The Carpenter Shuffle is a beautiful strip-out false shuffle sequence, that you’ll be practicing in no-time. The Le Claire Pass breaks down the usual action of shifting the pack into separate pieces, allowing you to show and handle the cards in a very fair manner. And Jack’s final sleight, The World’s Fastest Center Steal, is just that, an automatic steal from the center of the pack.

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Automatic by Alex Hansford

Alex Hansford - Automatic

Alex Hansford releases three pet routines, direct, powerful effects that can be done anywhere,’ anytime. An instant transformation of 4 cards, a phenomenal transposition inspired by Alex Elmsley, and an Ace Assembly unlike any other you’ve seen. Every move, every subtlety, is explained in beautiful detail. Alex is one of our favorite magicians, and if you’re new to magic or have been a longtime practitioner, you’ll love his takes on these classic plots.

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Flashback by Dani DaOrtiz

Imagination is the strongest force in the universe, and Dani DaOrtiz has created a STUNNING demonstration of its raw power.

Using just a deck of cards you explain that imagination is more powerful than reality. If a card appears to be red, one can simply imagine it to be black. And if it appears black, one can simply imagine it red.

AS YOUR AUDIENCE DECIDES, you deal each card FACE-UP, into one of two piles. A “red” pile and a “black” pile (the reality is, both piles are a mixture of red and black cards, but we are only interested in our IMAGINATION!)

THE MIRACLE ENDING shocks everyone.

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Ascanio Inspiration by JP Vallarino & Carlos Vaquera

DVD Ascanio Inspiration - jean-pierre vallarino

Après le succés du premier dvd sur Marlo avec Bebel et le deuxième volet sur Vernon avec Regis, la collection sur les Grands auteurs continue avec l’incroyable Ascanio.

Jp vallarino et Carlos Vaquera se devaient de rendre hommage à ce grand maitre de l’école espagnole.

Se basant sur son immense travail, JP Vallarino et Carlos Vaquera se sont réunis, le temps de ce dvd, pour s’échanger et vous livrer un grand nombre de routines, techniques et idées. Mais avant tout ce dvd fut l’occasion de vous dévoiler la théorie d’Ascanio reconnue dans le monde entier.

Comportemental, non verbal, action en transit, parenthèse d’oublie, parenthèse anticontraste… et bien d’autres éléments que vous découvrirez en profondeur tout au long de ce Dvd.

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John Bannon – The Bannon Triumph

The Bannon Triumph by John Bannon Instant Download

“One of the tricks that really influenced how I present magic.” -John Bannon

A spectator chooses a card from the deck. The deck is cut into four separate piles, with some piles face up. Each pile is shuffled into each other, face up and face down. The spectator hasn’t put their card back in the deck, but the magician asks for the suit of their card. The spectator names the suit, the magician spreads the cards, and it is revealed that all the cards of that suit are in order, Ace through King, with one card missing (the selected card).

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