Tetrad by Cody Nottingham
Card Tricks
Late Night at the Tavern by Rannie Raymundo
Late Night at the Tavern by Rannie Raymundo
Flik by Alexis De La Fuente
After punching a hole in a SIGNED card, your spectator watches the hole VISUALLY jump from one end of the card to the other with just one FLIK!
- Instantly examinable
- Leave your spectator with an impossible souvenir
- Easy to perform
Russ Andrews – Bold
Classic Pass Z by Zee
Everyone in the swamp says it is impossible…
But YOU are not born to be mediocre at what you truly love to do, magic. We believe you can safely escape from that nasty swamp… that’s why we have decided to ask Zee to include his way of improving sleight-of-hand moves in Classic Pass Z.
In Classic Pass Z, Zee will show you the ins and outs of a true INVISIBLE pass and hold your hand every step of the way of learning it. Not only that, Zee also gives you tools that will help you to
Miquel Roman – Cielo
Miquel Roman – Cielo
The Berglas Effect by Richard Kaufman and David Berglas (Video+PDF)
The big hardcover book that reveals the innermost secrets of the card miracles performed by the legendary David Berglas for 60 years, written by magic’s most experienced author, Richard Kaufman.
• Almost 400 pages
• Oversized, Hardcover