Designing Miracles by Darwin Ortiz
Threeve by Ricky Smith
Ricky Smith is a respected and elusive magician who has quietly amassed an impressive collection of original moves, routines, and refinements. We’ve just reached a deal with Mr. Smith to carry his two sets of lecture notes, Threeve and Nothing as It Seems. These collections are PERFECT for lockdown reading, as the material is advanced but approachable, and well-explained with a sense of fun.
Nothing as it Seems is a collection of original magic by Ricky Smith that is at turns hilarious, insightful, and playful. The notes are a tribute to one of Ricky’s favorite Pearl Jam songs, and indeed, these notes are a sort of reflection of his tastes and interests. You’ll enjoy a new way to get into the
Paul Stockman – Psyclock
PsyClock by Paul Stockman and Alakazam Incredible Mentalism Effect A standard wall clock is shown to be working and the battery is removed to stop the clock. A spectator is selected from the audience. She is handed a bell and given the very important task of ringing it at some point during your show. She is told to ring it whenever she feels the time is right (she is not given any clues) even though every so often you may try and influence her choice You now set the clock with a prediction time, put it in a large envelope and place it on an easel or stand in full view of your audience. You never touch the clock again! At any given moment your spectator can ring the bell. (as you can image there is ample room for byplay and fun throughout the
Bruce Cervon – Ultra Cervon
Bruce Cervon’s magic will strike your audiences like a bolt of lightening. The text and photos clearly explain everything you need to know in great detail, with telling tips and touches to help you get maximum reactions from your audiences. Included are Warped, a trick that fools everyone; Free Turn Pass – a revolutionary pass technique; Cut & Restored Rope – great method; To Pay the Price – comedy poker demo … plus much, much more.
186 pages and over 260 photographs.
Trickshop – Marked Deck
Mark your own decks like a pro. Learn how to mark your own Bicycle deck using the same professional system used by magic shops. No messy inks or colors to match. A simple, inexpensive tool available at any office supply or art or craft store is all you need. Our illustrated instructions show you step-by-step how to mark all suits and values. Two-way system works with both red and blue backed decks, and enables cards to be read from the top or bottom. Instructions sold for entertainment purposes only. Decks marked using this method have sold for up to $24 or more each! Illustrated, 16 pages.
Darwin Ortiz – Lessons In Card Mastery
DELUXE – Signed, Numbered, Leatherbound! ONLY 100 AVAILABLE!
Among Darwin Ortiz’ many fans, the only question is which of his card books is the best: Darwin Ortiz at the Card Table, Cardshark, or Scams & Fantasies with Cards. Now there is a new candidate: the aptly-named Lessons in Card Mastery.
This time the accent is on uncanny displays of card control. You’ll display physical control by cutting to a selected card with just one finger, trapping
Jeff McBride – The Show Doctor
The Show Doctor is the first full-length book of magic from Jeff McBride, one of the great magicians of our time.
The Show Doctor includes:
- Eleven of Jeff’s previously unpublished routines, including stage illusions, stand-up routines, manipulation, close-up magic, cards, and mentalism.
- Revised versions of Jeff’s celebrated advice column published in MAGIC Magazine.
- Many interviews and additional writings that extend Jeff’s thoughts on how magicians can improve their performances and have more successful careers.