
The Mind Reader Encephalonic Dossier by Bob Farmer

The Mind Reader Encephalonic Dossier by Bob Farmer

“Bob Farmer is an interesting man, who creates interesting magic, and that’s all one would need to know. With Mind Reader he has once again topped himself, as it might very well blow your mind!” – Roberto Giobbi

“Compared to fully gaffed decks that accomplish the same effect, Bob’s work gets you to the selected card faster and leaves you with a deck that can be examined/used for other effects. Final Rating (1-10, 10 being best): I rate this a solid 8 on 10 and a strong recommendation, especially if you are a fan of Bob’s other works.” – Chris Aguilar

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Quality Magic by Okito

This is my first book on Magic, and it will probably be my last, because its contents are the result of my life’s work.

All the sleights and tricks explained in this book have been worked by me; therefore I know they are practical. One often hears of tricks which seem to be very good theoretically, but which turn out to be anything but good when one tests them by a private rehearsal.

  • Foreword

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CTRL-C by Chris Rawlins

“I know that Chris’s version of my BOARD, is the strongest and best possible. There is no backtracking, and borders on ungodly” – Marc Salem

“I’m a fan of Chris Rawlins. He knows how to create amazement and he will inspire you to do the same!” – Marc Paul

“Chris is a creative, original thinker and a truly great performer, his skills and talents mesmerized me. I highly recommend you all to see him in action.” – Uri Geller

“One of those methods that make you feel like a spy! Chris has a knack for updating ideas and making them fresh and new. This one made me say CAPSLOCK-W-O-W” – Eric Dittelman

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The Jerx – Thinking of You

Every pdf file will have our watermark + visible and hidden marks with your paypal name. Since this product is very exclusive we would like to be able to track the leak. Sharing this product with others could lead to complete deletion of your account on erdnase. Please buy this product only if you agree to those conditions.


Thinking of you (TOY) is a book that was a bonus for people who donated to site during the fourth reader-supported year (season) of the site. It’s 240 pages. 25 chapters. It’s about

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StarSystem by Benoit Campana & Mathieu Bich

StarSystem is a revolutionary method to memorize a stack of 52 cards in a very short time. You can use any stack you want, Tamariz’s, Aaronson’s or even your own !

The memory work you will have to do is usually less than an hour. If you follow our step by step method you will be able to memorize a stack of 52 cards with almost no memorization and in a very short amount of time.

StarSystem uses a unique approach inspired by world championships memory techniques. Whats makes StarSystem unique is the small memory work needed and the fact that you will know the

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Oreality by Michael Murray

Oreality is a limited soft release booklet containing a brand new playing card divination system that will work in ANY language.

Whilst this book undoubtedly received very high praise from the community, there was one drawback, in that this system was designed for an English speaking audience. After countless requests to translate this system, Michael went back to the drawing board and began the process of creating a revolutionary new system that would work in any language.

We are now, super proud to announce that this system is complete. Early demonstrations at the Blackpool convention produced jaw-dropping reactions from those who were fortunate enough to

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Dragon Peek by Fraser Parker

The spectator writes a piece of personal information on a random playing card which is then shuffled and lost in the deck. The deck is spread towards the spectator and they confirm their card is indeed lost somewhere in the deck, which is then closed and placed face down onto the table.

And yet, you will always be able to peek what was written, in the fairest manner possible.

Thanks to the structure and psychology of this peek you will always be in a position to be able to obtain the information effortlessly, without any out of place moves and with zero heat on the

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