Number 1 (April 1931)
- Editorial
- Downs Greets Blackstone
- Men Prominent in Magic Welcome the I. M. C.
- The International Magic Circle
Number 1 (April 1931)
This is not a big book. It’s roughly forty pages. Not big at all. You can easily read it in one sitting.
But what is contained in those forty pages is solid gold.
This entire treatise deals with a single concept, along with several of its variations, that allows for mind-numbing miracles.
And as you can see from the cover depicted above, it deals with an envelope. Perhaps the simplest, most innocent prop that you can possibly use. But in this case, it’s deadly. And unless you are
The T.S Principle is a utility tool that allows the performer to casually introduce a collection of images as a selection field in a logical and conversational fashion. This opens the door to countless performance pieces. Three routines are included, described in a 30 page PDF instructional manuscript complete with print ready props as well as template files to create your own custom ready to use props for your own unique routines.
Paul Curry’s “Out of This World” is a truly wonderful Card Routine, and one which it is said fooled Sir Winston Churchill.
Within this PDF you will learn my variation/s on this powerful Card Mentalism “Psychic Style” routine including ones that go beyond what you can see demonstrated in the short performance video on this page.
In my Ultimate Routine, you have a deck of cards genuinely shuffled by as many audience members as you so desire.
“The gambler’s ultimate guide to detection and prevention in the private game, in the casino, and online.”
All in? Think again…
Have you ever sat against a monster bet wishing that you knew what was coming on the river? Wonder if this is even possible? Over the years, hustlers and card mechanics have developed hundreds of techniques to create a poker environment where even sharks become prey. Cheating does occur, and the serious player’s best protection against it is to understand how it works.
“Nathan Colwell’s new contribution, Lorem Ipsum, is about style over substance, yet, just like the man himself, it manages to deliver both. Well done.”
—Eric Stevens