
Ted Karmilovich – The Mother of All Book Tests 2.0 (MOABT 2.0)

This is the book test a select group of professionals are using to blow their audiences away.

Can be performed for an audience of one to one thousand! Close up; walk-around, stage, radio and TV.


The basic effect:

A spectator is invited to take a readable and examinable book, open it to any page, and is invited to think of any word on that page. The performer, without touching the book or approaching the

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Mick Ayres – Mr. Know-It-All (Book Six in Act-Series)

Mr. Know-It-All is the most recent addition to the Act-series.  This sixth installment in the acclaimed Act-Series is now available.

The Mr. Know-It-All show is a mentalism act of uncanny knowledge and revelations.  The only prop required is a common deck of playing cards, but even then, the Act is not reliant upon them.  Postcards, photographs, or index cards can easily be substituted—in fact, one demonstration involves no props at all.   Each experiment is clear and simple; meaning, the methods are new, original, and often self-working.

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The Count Count by Stefan Olschewski

The Count's Count by Stefan Olschewski :

Do you have the perfect brain? Now you do!

Just take out a deck of cards and a pen. Let them shuffle the cards. Then have them call out random digits and proceed to write them on the backs of the cards until you have marked about 30 or 40 cards (or even the whole deck). Fan the cards in front of you for only 5-10 seconds to remember the sequence. Hand the cards to the spectator who called out the final number. You are ready to go:

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Passkeys by Lewis Le Val (Video+PDF)

Passkeys By Lewis Le Val — Mindhaus

A mini mentalism toolbox that lives in your Apple wallet.

Passkeys is the latest edition to your everyday carry, which includes a peek device, a book test and an intuition test, all from within your actual Apple wallet! No special apps required.

Upon purchase, you’ll instantly receive six specially designed passes:

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Contributions by Colin Mcleod

The book has 12 routines all fully explained and lots of Colin’s thoughts on mentalism entwined. You may have seen a couple of these routines in PS3 but Colin is constantly develping new twists and additional ideas and these have all been included.

Just to give you an idea of the contents…

He has taken my AAA book test and has re-framed it so that the reveal can be done over the phone! It’s great and is potentially a reputation maker.

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Mind Coaster By Sean Taylor

MindCoaster - Sean Taylor – Don's Magic & Books

MindCoaster is the second book in the Mind series. Since MindStorms was released in 2008, it has become one of the most recommended books for the working mentalist, and is described by many as one of the best releases of the past 20 years.

MindCoaster again features commercial routines straight from Sean’s working repertoire and fascinating essays on improving your performances.

In the same vein as MindStorms, absolutely nothing is left out and the routines have multiple variations and directions. What’s more, aside from a few thin cards, everything you need comes from

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Tattle Tailed by Michael Murray

The mentalist requests the help of a married couple to participate in a simple experiment. The volunteers are each handed a set of five ESP cards which they proceed to mix sight unseen. With the mixing complete the female of the couple is asked to deal her cards face down onto the table creating a small row of five cards. As each card is dealt her partner is asked to place one of his cards face up behind it.

With all of the cards dealt to the table the male is then asked which “single” adjacent pair of cards he believes will match. He is cautioned to take his time over this so that a conscious decision can

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