
Direct by Bill Dekel (PDF)

Image result for Direct by Bill Dekel

“I honestly wouldn’t be surprised to see this employed as standard practice with psychological forces in the years to follow – It would be ridiculous not to use it. If there is a PS4, this deserves a chapter in it.” – MagicAtlas from the Magic Cafe

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Gran Escuela Cartomagica by Roberto Giobbi (5 Vols) (PDF)

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tres con cada técnica) de los mejores profesionales, pensadores y ejecutantes de los años 90. Glosario español-inglés/Inglés-español. Glosario de términos técnicos. 1500 ilustraciones, explicaciones claras y precisas.

Encuadernación cómoda, que facilita el estudio y la práctica (el libro queda abierto mientras tú, baraja en mano, lo lees).
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Witch Doctor by Lewis Le Val (PDF)

In this deeply personal and moving new release, Lewis Le Val is back with some of his best work yet!
In this 83 page ebook, Le Val shares with us a collection of routines with an esoteric, mystical approach, along with some extremely thought provoking and inspirational essays, subtleties and presentational angles.

Cyborg System By Satabdo Sengupta (PDF)

The Cyborg System is a revolution in phone mentalism.
Imagine waking up to any random spectator handover your phone to them and ask them to think of any random icon/app in their mind, and instantly that icon/app pops open without any funny moves.

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The Shift Book by Benjamin Earl (PDF)

Ben Earl (author of one of our most praised books, Less is More) is back with an entirely new book that is an equal mix of new effects and practical magic theory. Along with three full routines, and two new sleights, Ben teaches a series of “practice drills” that he uses to make his sleights both effortless and deceptive. You’ll learn:

Spinner: a transposition of two folded and signed playing cards; one held by the spectator and one held at the performer’s fingertips. Those who have previously studied Ben’s two-card transposition work, will quickly discover that this is one of his most deceptive card transpositions.

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The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Richard Kaufman) (PDF)

Image result for Richard Kaufman The Secrets Of Brother John Hamman

“The most devious mysteries ever created with a deck of cards are contained within these pages.” From the foreword by Brother John Hamman: I have collected here those tricks and notions that l like, and audiences too. Some of my past material is included here, and some not, because l feel it is now dated or less effective. But what is here comprises a sweep of effects, magical, visual, and entertaining that should give you value for your efforts. Learn them in such a

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The Jinx (Vols 001-151) by Ted Annemann (PDF)

Image result for The Jinx  by Ted Annemann

Many of the best mentalists consider the Jinx the most important publication. It is a treasure chest of ideas, methods, routines and commentary. A must read not just for mentalists but all magicians.

Here is the most convenient form of the Jinx to date. You will get all 151 issues including all summer and winter extras. Each issue is quickly accessible via a bookmark. You will get reproductions of all the old advertisements for the Jinx, the old three part index prepared by J. G. Thompson Jr., and a completely new 30 page index which has been alphabetized and spans all issues and extras.

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