Five elegant routines. Simple and self-working. Long lasting lingering impact. No forces. Novel and refreshing presentation themes, patter pieces and scripting bits.
- JUNE — Performed using participant’s month of birth. Participant chooses two cards related to her birth month this year and the next. And you have predicted both.
- U — Performed using participant’s first name (NOT a spelling effect). Participant chooses two cards related to his first name and you have predicted both.
- TRYST — You show a participant your prediction in advance and she successfully transmits it telepathically to her partner. Includes an exciting alternative presentation.
- TWIST — A baffling variation of TRYST which doubles the odds and still hits bullseye.
- TYM — A mysterious experiment to check whether a participant’s past, present and future add up to his destiny. And the outcome is stunning.BONUS ROUTINE – LUCKEY 13
A baffling prediction routine which is totally self working. Based on a unique hidden principle of the Karma Deck. A participant deals cards from a shuffled deck and stops at any card. Free choice and no force. The performer has already predicted this choice perfectly. Includes some enigmatic patter and a novel “Luckey 13” counting along with 4 alternative handlings.
Can be performed within 10 minutes of reading the routines and secrets.