Masterclass Vm by Henry EVANS
November 26, 2024
Masterclass Live
Summary of the Masterclass in video (duration 2h49) accompanied by Gaëtan BLOOM , Bébel and Paul MAZ.
- Millionaire Bet Tour
- Technique Adding a card to a shuffle
- Technique How to count cards on the table
- Instant Switch Tour
- Universal order tour
- Flexible Economy Tour
- Tour Prediction
- Reflection – How does he come up with the idea for a trick?
- Technique – Do this trick with a borrowed deck
- Pickpocket Tower
- Tower You can’t tear it!
- Impossible Tower Divination
- Window to the Future Tour
- Square Tower found in 2 borrowed games
- Card Tower found by counting the value of 2 chosen cards
- Technique – Exit squares on demand
- Technique – Quickly count the position of a card
- Technique – Rhythm control (musical control)
- Gaëtan BLOOM – How long does it take to train?
- Technique for making Jazz magic
- Technique for practicing counting quickly
- Impromptu tour